  Corporate Finance
Valuation Analysis


Business Planning
Feasibility Studies
Valuation Analysis
Performance & Profitability Measurement

When considering major transactions such as mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, recapitalizations and shares purchase, an assessment of the value of any of these business decisions is a pre-requisite to understand how these alternative strategies would affect the value of the firm.

Depending on the specific circumstances of the target and on prevailing market conditions, the valuation analysis can include an assessment of historical performance, projected cash flows, earnings and cash flow market multiples and asset liquidation values.

Our methodology

bullet Analyze the business strategy of the firm
bullet Analyze the industry in which it is competing
bullet Assess its historical performance with a forward looking-decision view
bullet Undertake a prospective analysis based on the scenario being examined as well as the findings of the previous steps
bullet Conduct valuation using different appropriate valuation approaches
bullet Interpret and analyze results from the perspective of the decision at hand
bullet Develop alternative scenarios and interpret their results

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